This is something I will try to do every Monday. We will see how it goes.
- Had a great day with Jenny and Tedy on Friday. We stayed in comfy clothes and did very little.
- Went to Texas Roadhouse with Ray and Jannet (Third Day Power), Mike and Ashley. Realized Tedy can go without a nap if needed.
- 8 of us went from Heartland to Midwest Café.
- Learned the “three Rs” of the CCDA- Relocation, Reconciliation and Redistribution.
- Heard a story about people on a short term mission trip wanting desperately to help this village. The missionary told them to watch the children of the village. They thought it wasn’t important enough, so they kept asking for other things to do. One day the missionary told them to tear down a building. So they did and asked what important thing was going to happen at this spot. The missionary told them another team had built it a couple of years ago even though they told them they did not need the building. The missionary said what they needed was to give a break to the women by watching their children so they could focus on some other tasks. Learned we need to ask questions, but also listen to the answer.
- Heard about some great ministries in Des Moines like Hope Ministries. The one that stood out to me though was Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church The pastor John Kline shared about the many things churches are doing. It can be summed up here.
- Was able to connect with Jeremy Summers, a leader at the Wesleyan Headquarters, and had a good talk with him.
- The Midwest Café was hosted by Jeremy Geerdes and Debra Heights Wesleyan Church. Thank you for you leadership on this.
- We finished up the day with a trip to Smokey D’s. Some good BBQ, good chopped pork, brisket could have been better. But they did have 7 foot trophies so who am I?
- Third Day Power was at Heartland on Sunday.
- We had the biggest crowd since Easter.
- A number of people gave their hearts to Christ. 2 for sure, will be contacting more to here how God spoke to them this week.
- Learned to release things. Sometime I am a little too analytical.
- Learned that body builders have a lot different diet than I do.
- Home Run life group was hosted by Steve and Diane Brown. Steve did a great job at facilitating discussion. The group did a great job of allowing everyone to speak and feel a part of the group. Diane makes a great apple crisp, and I will never look at Charlie Brown the same way again.
6. Tom Brady and the Patriots had
a great game.