Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Over the course of my life I have had to learn to wait over and over again. One would think I would have it mastered by now but I do not. Waiting does not become easier.

I have had to wait to have children. My wife and I could not biologically reproduce so after 5+ years of battling infertility we entered the adoption process. It was 1.5 years before Tedy was born and another 2 months of waiting for him to join our family full time. We visited as often as possible. We however had to wait. Mae we had to wait a little longer. We entered into the process and waited for 3 years before we joined our family. Waiting does not become easier.

I have had to wait on jobs. 8 years ago I had a rather abrupt ending to a job. I took a job to help pay the bills. It was a full year later that I started as the Lead Pastor at Heartland Community Church. Waiting has become a part of my life, and yet waiting does not become any easier.

7 months ago I announced my time was coming to an end at Heartland. I was thinking surely 6 month will give us enough time to find a position. My hope for this position was that we would be closer to family, and that it would be a church that we could spend the rest of my career at. It however has not turned out the way that I had hoped.

It has now been a month since I left Heartland. I am now waiting. I have done the due diligence of filling out applications. Yet still I wait, and yes waiting has not become easier. 

We are starting to get used to the new normal. We moved all our stuff into storage and are staying with Jenny's parents. We are ready to find that new ministry, or at least that job to pay the bills. I am sure I will have an update soon on what that job will be. I have been offered a couple jobs and have a couple interviews the next couple days so I hope that I will have a focus by the end of the week.

I have learned that waiting does not become easier, but God is still good in the waiting. God knew I needed a break and did not need to jump right into what was next. Jenny calls it an "unpaid sabbatical." I know God is with us in this time and I know one day the waiting will stop and we will begin. In the mean time we wait...

Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord." Psalm 27:14