Tuesday, July 26, 2005

a view from ben folds

this is the song jesusland by ben folds
Take a walk out the gate you go and never stop past all the stores and wig shops quarter in a cup for every block and watch the buildings grows maller as you go Down the tracks beautiful McMansions on a hill that overlook a highway with riverboat casinos and you still have yet to see a soul Jesusland Jesusland Town to town broadcast to each house, they drop your name but no one knows your face Billboards quoting things you'd never say you hang your head and pray for Jesusland Jesusl andMiles and miles and the sun goin' down Pulses glowfrom their homesYou're not alone Lights come on as you lay your weary head on their lawn Parking lots cracked and growing grass you see it all from offices to farms crosses flying high above the malls A longer walk through Jesusland Jesusland

in no way do i want to represent ben folds by talking about what this song means, but from my view point, it is a sad song. one looking at christianity and is saddened by the way things are going on. poverty is overwhelming but instead of taking care and training them we throw a quarter into their cup. you have the mansions that God prepared for his people but unfortunately no one lived the life they needed to occupy them. it mentions the televangelists that possibly do more harm than good. it talks about misrepresenting God in billboards and what i want to add; church signs. but yet there is still enough reason to pray for things to change in this thing we call christianity. we have a lot but are we willing to share it? while people starve we build extravagant crap that does no one any good. i definately do not agree with everything benn folds has wrote about but in a way it is good to see how someone views me and you as we label ourselves christians. their should be something more than changing our own life. obviously we must do something to reach out and change this perception of christianity. is it possible to change this view? is it possible to really change how people perceive christianity. i think in the past we have messed up here and there and will continue to mess up. is there something we can do?

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