Friday, August 05, 2005


the idea of everyone viewing something the same way is rare. sure i can look at a pencil and know that it is a pencil, and chances are everyone will agree with me. yesterday i was moving some staging and a couple of the guys mentioned hot it was, but i guess it really didnt bother me because i was used to sc weather. other people think that to live 2 hrs away from family is a long way but the past 6 years of my life i have lived about 21 hrs away. one persons taste buds might enjoy a pepperoni pizza but another might detest pepperoni.

our senses, attitudes and ideas might be different than another. that doesnt mean that one person is right and the other is wrong. it just means there is a difference in opinion.

now lets change direction a little with where this article is going. maybe i am a non christian looking at a church and all i can see is hypocrisy and how things need to be changed. i might believe in God but i want no part of the church because i have been hurt in the past. while someone else in that same church is growing under a discipleship class. loves everything about following Christ. it of course is the same church but yet the church is viewed differently because it is viewed by two different people. one perception of the same thing is slightly skewed from the other. but is one of them right and the other wrong? how can we as christian's help change the perception of those viewing the church as wrong or do we need to change the church from within. just a thought to get your juices flowing. i could of taken this idea and run with it a lot further but i want to hear from you the reader on your opinions.


nathan richardson said...

it is definately a good way to put it, i love analogies. i love the idea of church, i love the idea of reaching the unchurched. thanks mike.

nathan richardson said...
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