how many times have you known something was going to happen? you have been warned by politicians, weathermen, pastors, doctors or other experts of a certain field that this will happen. it is inevitable. we hear the warning but do not do a thing about it, or do not think that it will actually happen. so many times we do not think it could happen to us. God will protect us and keep us from anything that we are unable to handle.
smoking is an example. doctors say do not smoke or you will get lung cancer. people dont listen to that so people end up suing tobacco companies because of the addiction that it can become. so yet another warning is put on the box by the surgeon general. warnings were created for protection.
new orleans is also an example of this. people know that there is a category five storm heading their way but for some reason they do not leave the area. maybe they thought the levies would hold up, many thought if they could survive camille then katrina would be okay as well. maybe they didnt have transportation out of town. (with 30-40% under the poverty level there alot of these probably didnt own their own vehicles.) maybe they thought God would protect them. but for one reason or the other they stayed against the advice of everybody. they couldnt leave their homes. it was all they knew and they had to stay.
we have many warnings still that are viable today. we have the book of revelation which says there will be an end of it all. we have paul warning us that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." and later him saying for "the wages of sin is death" and yet still "that if you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved." but yet we stay where we are comfortable. we stay where we think we will be protected.
even the disciples were warned not once but twice that Jesus would die and three days later rise from the dead. of course someone objected (peter) someone betrayed (judas) and when it actually happened (jesus dying and rising again) the disciples were dismayed with unbelief and it took a while to recognize who it was. and then even with the testimony of the other disciple thomas chose doubt over belief.
and yet we have come full cycle. we still have unbelief. we still experience warnings put out there. it is interesting that these warnings are there to protect us. if you follow these warning you can have life and live it to the full. but yet people people choose the way they feel most comfortable usually because that is the direction that their friends or family are going.
you are my favorite
I'm waiting for you to put out a book man.
you will be waiting a while
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