Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the lake effect

for years i have watched news reports about 2 foot snows. i have felt pity for the people of this area and possibly thought to myself, " i will never live there." they get this much snow due to what is called "the lake effect." to read more on the lake effect go here http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/elements/lkefsnw1.htm

for the past two years of my life i have lived in south carolina. i havent even seen snow for two years. and have missed it. i miss the look of it (pure white), what you can do with it (snowballs) or what happens when a lot of it falls on a mountain (skiing).

this summer jenny and i made the move to new york. we can be at lake ontario in about 5 minutes. it is definately a beautiful site. but also with this move we now have the lake effect snow. two nights ago we had 12 inches. last night another 6 inches were added and is still falling right now.

there is something so fresh and new with snow. there are not too many people in the area more happy about seeing snow then me. i am sure eventually it will wear on me too. but for now this snow is nothing but beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss snow, just not that much snow. Maybe we'll get some this winter, though likely all we'll get is ice...
I miss you guys and hope all is going well with Y'ALL!


Unknown said...

Your such a great thinker and writer Nate...thanks for your blog...i enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how we miss that snow! We miss you guys so much too. Hope all is going well with your ministry. We'd love to know your address if you wouldn't mind emailing it to us. (romans828_2002@hotmail.com). Take care!