Wednesday, March 01, 2006

euthanasia and living wills

received some great conversation on capital punishment. now i would like to ask everyones view on euthanasia and living wills. what do you think?


Full Metal Attorney said...

Check out this post on the subject of euthanasia.

Martin LaBar said...

Sorry, I've been traveling, and didn't check your blog of Mar 1 until now. I don't have time now to check Kelly's link.

The first thing that comes to mind on euthanasia is: define euthanasia. What do you mean by this? Do you mean ceasing medical treatment, such as drugs, and/or a respirator? This is often called "passive euthanasia," and most people have few, if any, objections to it. Do you mean shooting my wife if she has terminal cancer, and asks me to? This is often called "active euthanasia," and, clearly, there are more objections that could be raised. Which of these, if either, do you mean to be discussed?

Some other questions:
Are food and water "medical treatment?" "Is Oxygen?"

I guess living wills are another question.

Thanks for posting.

Martin LaBar said...

Back to euthanasia. Most Christians would probably agree with David Gushee's answer to a question on the subject in this
Christianity Today piece.

Gushee sets forth some reasons for opposition to active euthanasia.

Full Metal Attorney said...

That's a very interesting article, but I don't think it fully responds to my Biblically-based arguments.

nathan richardson said...

no offense kelly, but i fail to see where your arguments are biblically basd.