Wednesday, May 03, 2006

stats on new orleans

1,000,000 before katrina 200,000 after 14,000 used to live in the lower 9th ward, now only 6, i talked to two of them 108 square miles of flood damage new orleans did not flood until about 24 hrs later because there was no one to work the pumpstations it was flooded with anywhere from 1-21 feet of water people there consider it a man made disaster not a natural disaster there are officially 1,600 death from the storm and still many missing there were more deaths by suicide after the storm homes that were going for $500,000 can now be bought for $70,000

if you want a job you could easily have one: burger king is offering a $10,000 sign on bonus if you agree to work for a year, plus $10 an hour and benefits. olive garden is paying $14 an hour plus tips. i do not think i saw a business without a help wanted sign. but even if they find all the workers who will be there customers. stores close for the most part by 7 pm.

if the federal government gave every family $200,000 to rebuild it would of cost less then the rebuilding to date and that number is still growing.

family of faith community church lost their pastor who became ds over texas/louisiana 2 month before the hurricane hit. they were still looking for a pastor to replace him when katrina hit. it just restarted in mid february and had 47 people on easter sunday. most of which never attended church before. in the two month pastor dale munsell has led 8 people to Christ and awesome things are happening each day. while we were there brian gave his heart to Christ and has since started taking his grown children to church. God is doing some amazing things down there.


nat said...

Nate - I've enjoyed reading about your experience down in New Orleans. I can't imagine what you saw or the thoughts that went through your mind as you were down there. I'm sure it was very impacting and something you will never forget. It makes me think about things differently just reading what you shared. Thank You.

Brooks said...

I like your day by day blog from your trip. It put me there... My questions: What should we do with New Orleans? Do YOU think it was a manmade disaster?

nathan richardson said...

natalie, it is hard to express what i saw. but worthwhile in the same aspect.

brooks, what should we do. there will definately be sections of town like the lower 9th ward that will never be builtup and personally i think it is too much work. i think 9th ward would be a good place to take all the debris and make it a landfill. with the rest it is definately livable even though no one wants to return because of the possibility of it happening again.
mandmade disaster- i have heard many times in my life that hindsight is 20-20. it is hard to know what exactly might happen. i think it is partially man's doing. but i think atleast for the future they have learned from their mistakes