i have been bombarded by questions the last few weeks on what is ahead for jenny and i and truthfully i do not know. am i worried? i probably should be but i am relying on God in the fact that he doesnt take away without giving you something to replace it. my whole life i have had a schedule whether it has been school, work or life in general. i need to be this place by a certain time so i am not late. or i have to graduate college in 8 semesters because that is the norm. even vacations have somewhat been planned. i need to check in to the hotel by this time or make a certain flight.
starting june 11th i have no plans. jenny and i are talking about visiting our friend in south carolina, probably going up to maine over the 4th of july. maybe after that we will drive out west and visit friends and family in montana, colorado, go see the grand canyon. i only have one resume floating around out there that has some potential but if that falls through i am okay. in God's timing a position of some sort will come up. then i will go back to a schedule. right now i am looking forward to not having plans.
some of the things that people have talked to me about doing:
church planting in greensboro, nc (sounds like fun, esp. with a good friend)
rd at college- this sounds good, mentoring, discipleship in a college atmosphere (this would be a good place to start so i can go toward my goal of being a college chaplain.)
assistant pastor somewhere: sounds nice, but havent seen or heard of to many opportunities to do this.
go back to school: this would be a great option. i need to learn more. is it too late to apply for fall?
this is a great situation to be in. i think i am going to enjoy the journey wherever God takes me to get to where he wants me to be.
Hey I will be praying for you and Jenny...enjoy the next step in your life.
Tim Morehart
Hey, if you're gonna put up the banner let me change it to SuperBowl XLII first. I'm glad to see you've abandoned your sad New England team for the Colts. You're progressing faster than I thought you would.
Blessings as you seek God's will for the next step in life!
Hey Nate...
First hugs to you and Jenny.
Transitions are hard...but it sounds like you have some great adventures ahead. If you're looking to stay in the east coast region our small federated church is looking for a full time pastor. We have a great transitional pastor but changes are brewing. You're more then welcome to come back to the mountains for a visit if you like. Hugs from Vermont.
I've been reading your blogs for quite some time and I love your thoughts and inquiring mind. We're sad to see you leave but wish you the best of luck, it sounds like your heart and mind are in the right place...with God. We love you and Jake will especially miss you (your mini-me) Keep your blog updated so we can travel with you :) Jill D
there is no one i would rather not have plans with
-your wife
hey who is this person who want to have no plans with my wife, oh i get it jenny wrote it.
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