Saturday, July 21, 2007

christianity: a paradox?

as defined by a paradox is a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

it seems a bit weird but i have found that i am living a paradox. christianity with all its truth is surrounded by the absurd or contradictory things. let me explain. in the beatitudes we have the statement that says "blessed are the poor." by the worlds standards being poor is not a blessing at all. in fact some see it as a curse.

in matthew it also discusses the first shall be the last and the last shall be first. which is quite complex as well. if i am last how on earth can i be first?

romans 12 says i am to be a living sacrafice. it is a lot to rap your mind around. very contradictory but like the definition of a paradox expresses a possible truth. but this might be a reason why people are so confused with christianity. it expresses views that sometimes are hard to understand.

i hopefully will have some more time to expound on these ideas in other blogs. these are just a few of the paradoxes. do you have any that you have been chewing on? as for now i will let you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always liked it how Dr. David Smith (deceased) called the apparent paradox a 'tension'. He had a great way of presenting the 'tension' and letting it instruct us.

Nice talking to you today. Happy house hunting!