Tuesday, August 09, 2011

on the road

no one ever said life is easy. or at best no one who has actually lived life has said life is easy. along the road we meet up with different obstacles. we could have never predicted these obstacles because we cannot and would not want to know about all the good and bad things that will happen. sure it would be nice to know what will happen around each of life's turns but it would take away the surprise. the surprise is what makes life worth living, even if it was not a good surprise.

throughout scripture many things have happened while on the road, and in the coming weeks i will be writing about them here. the first road is very familiar to a lot of us. the damascus road (acts 9) was a life changing moment in the life of paul. Christ revealed himself to paul in a life altering way. along the road for paul the traveling was not easy, in fact paul was blinded by his experience for three days. but paul was never the same again. he now knew the Christ. and when we meet Christ he will change us into the people that he needs us to be.

like i said, the journey on the road might be tough. it might have bumps, pot holes, we could break down or get in a wreck. but those possibilities of obstacles along the way are all worth it. the obstacles should not keep us away from the road. but only make us more aware of what could happen along the road, and keep us fighting to stay on the road.

before paul had this experience on the road to damascus, he was a pharisee. he knew the Word of God but did not let it change his heart. paul was a murderer of christians. a person full of hate and malice because people did not believe the same way he did. after this on the road experience his life was changed, he became a follower of Christ and he became if not the most, one of the most prolific christian leader/ missionary/ evangelist who ever lived. all because of the experience Christ gave him on the road.

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