Monday, February 25, 2013

The last year on the road

A year ago things seemed bleak, if you told me then where I would be today, I would have laughed at you. It was almost a year ago that we met with a prospective birth mother at Bethany Christian Services. "Baby boy" was born on March 28th and for a couple months things were up in the air. He was in interim foster care for almost 2 months. It was also almost a year ago that we started talking to IA-MN District about going to Heartland.

On May 20, after a few phone conversations and face to face interviews I candidated at Heartland. May 24th we went and picked up Tedy and brought him to his forever home. I am still amazed with the process but it seemed things were starting to go right.

We have now been at Heartland 8 months and things are starting to take off. New faces are coming weekly and people are slowly being made new. It seems that a lot of the people that are coming are dechurched. At one time they came to church but for one reason or another they walked away. Others are coming because they are being brought by their kids who attend our midweek family ministries. Our attendance in February is up 58% from last years average. God is blessing Heartland.

 When people ask what I/we are doing to see this happen, I say I do not know, but God is really blessing us right now. We are being the church, we are going outside of the walls, we are having fun, morale is high and we are Loving God and neighbor. And God is blessing that.

We are starting to plan Tedy's first birthday. He is growing even faster than Heartland. He is doing things I really did not expect for an almost 11 month old. And God is blessing us as parents. Just last week the a teen/church surprised us by organizing a monthly date night for Jenny and I. They gave a number of gift cards to restaurants. It is evident they care about us.

I have been in full time ministry as an assistant/ youth pastor off and on over the last 9 years. As much as I have enjoyed ministry in the past I love being a lead pastor. I live casting vision. I am finally figuring out what type of pastor I was meant to be. My personality is finally coming out in my ministry. I am allowed to be myself. God continue to reveal yourself to us. Show Heartland how we can love you and your community more. You are our God and we are your people. This is your church. Continue to bless it and continue to make people new.

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