Monday, November 04, 2013

On the road with God

I am asked this question every now and then. Why does God in the Old Testament seem so differerent then in the New Testament? This was again asked this morning. This was my answer to him. Hope it helps. 

This is probably the hardest question for any person to understand but yet is one of the most asked questions. At times I even ask myself this from time to time. Both Ellen and Ben are right. 1. God chose to reveal pieces of himself at his choosing. In Genesis with the fall, he chose to give Adam and Eve grace by sacrificing an animal to give them clothes. This was in spite of his earlier comment to them saying that "they would surely die if they eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil." 

I believe it was also grace and justice that came out when God kicked them out of the Garden so they could not eat of the tree of life. This was an act of protection. Since this time man/woman tried everything in their power to connect with God. Through sacrifice and worship unfortunately people decided to worship in a way that they desired. It started with Cain and Abel. Cain was jealous because his offering was not accepted. So he killed his brother and then lied about it. 

From here on humanity went down hill. Cutting themselves, murder of children, worship with prostitutes, orgies. It was obviously not a God ordained worship and sending prophets did not help. Even through his own revelation people were not following his revelation. So he decided to wipe out the earth in spite of his love for the people. He made a promise to never destroy the earth again. Even after the flood it wasnt long before people started living there own way. Selling a brother into slavery led a nation into eventual slavery. 

But God keeps fighting for his people. He sends a murderer (Moses) back to Egypt to fight for them, with eventually getting them freed. God then gives them the law. This is the first time where this comes into a written form. The 10 commandments all have to do with relationship. Love God, Love Others. When this is obeyed it is a different world that we are able to live in. However it was not long before the Jewish people disobeyed the number one command with the building a golden calf. God still continues to give grace to his people. 

He gives them a new leader in Joshua as they now enter the promised land that he promised long ago to Abraham. However there were people already living there. In getting their land back there were a lot of battles fought. This is where it gets tricky. People think this is where the wrath of God comes out and takes anyone and everyone out. But even in all these battles God offers each nation a way out. The Gibeonites in Joshua 9 trick the Jewish people into signing a treaty with them. They will now follow the God of the Jewish people. I think if every nation did this God would have allowed them to live as well. Now the Israelites are Israelites again. They make mistake after mistake. They want to worship things they can see, rather than worshiping the God who created them. Asking for a human king, instead of allowing God to govern (1 Samuel 8.) Following their own desire instead of God's desire (King David w/ Bathsheba). 

Even through all these mistakes there is grace and forgiveness, but also justice. A lot of the punishment seems to be earthly in the OT. (David losing his child from the affair) God uses prophets to keep the downward slide of his people. 

Then Jesus is born into the world. He was and always was, but now he is flesh and revealing a new Gospel. At least a new gospel to the people. It had always been there for them but they were never willing to accept the God of grace in the OT. But now grace is their incarnate in the flesh. He came to reveal it because no one else was able to get it. Because to be honest it was tough to get. People would have to listen and look for God's revelation before. 

But now He was there with them. They could witness his grace through His miracles. They could witness His love through his care for the children. They could witness his wisdom with turning questions of the spiritual leaders into these profound thoughts and questions back to them. (Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, For a time is coming when we will worship in spirit and in truth, what is more important on Sabbath than to give mercy and truth?) 

They could not witness his willingness to be a servant in which he was willing to wash feet. They could not witness his sacrifice in which he laid down his life. They could not witness his power as he defeated death. People have to be witnesses. They want proof. 500 people witnessed Jesus after he rose again. These witnesses died and were Martyred for spreading the Gospel of Christ. They would surely not die for Christ if they were making this stuff up. Today God continues to reveal himself to his people through the Holy Spirit. We are still learning about justice, grace, love and forgiveness. We are trying to live out the example that he first showed us in the OT with the 10 Commandments of Loving God and Neighbor. God has never changed but he has always given us new revelations to show himself to his people.

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