My adult life has been outside of New England, in places like New York, Indiana, South Carolina and Iowa. But for me, my professional sports teams have never changed. I have watched AFC Championships in Indiana surrounded by Colts fans while cheering for the Patriots. I lived in SC when New England beat the Panthers in the Super Bowl. I have cheered for the Red Sox in Yankee Country.
For me I love sports. Playing, watching, and for the first time last summer coaching little league. Sports teaches team work, sportsmanship, work ethic and character. It is a release for stress. A way to exercise and a reason to get together and have fun with friends.
Sports for me has also been a way for me to connect with home. Living 1600 miles away from family is not always easy. But when I put on a game, I know friends and family are also watching it as well. Sometimes I will even Skype with my parents while watching the game. Which my tv seems to get everything 5 seconds behind my parents so my dad will let out a yell and I will expect something good or bad to happen.
This past week has been stressful. As much as I know it is a game. Allegations of cheating are serious accusations. I am a big believer that character and integrity will play into every role of your life. I am also a Pastor. So I teach frequently on the subject. This past fall as a sermon series I taught The Home Run Life, It was based on a book with the same title by Kevin Myers.
Basically, it can be summed up that everyone starts at Home Plate. People recognize their need for God. And then they work on character, relationships, and results. But the world would rather focus on results first so they try to run the bases backwards. Meaning they are willing to put aside character and relationships for the pursuit of success.
I am not sure what happened with these footballs. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. No matter who they are. I do not care about the past. I try not to judge based on someone's past. So I have tried to run all the scenarios through my head on what could have happened. I read everyone's social media posts and I wonder why so many people are reacting the way they are?
From the Black Sox, to Pete Rose, the Bounty Gate, to Spy Gate and PED's people are willing to put aside character for success. They want an advantage above their competitor. They want to earn more money and they are willing to risk everything that is important for things that are temporary.
If Deflate Gate is true and someone took the actions to give an advantage I am ashamed. There have been many comparisons to Bounty Gate but I would rather compare it to the PED scandle. I wonder what would possess someone to take the step to give an advantage?
There do seem to be more questions with Deflate Gate than there are answers. Let's look at what we do know.
1. The football pressure was less than it was supposed to be. Sport balls lose pressure in the cold. We all know this. This professor tested it One of the things that was talked about was the Colts balls were not changed... So does this rule it out?
2. It all started with the LB for the Colts they say that started this. But he himself says he never noticed it.
3. Refs check the footballs before the game. How much difference is the feel of a football that is within the rules and where they measured it at. How noticeable is it? The refs touched the footballs and they didn't notice anything.
4. The Patriots played better in the second half with balls that had the right amount of air pressure. Why would anyone take the chance when they are already so much better than the Colts?
5. I highly doubt anything will ever be proven because there is a lack of evidence in the case. In the court of law this does not prove innocence but would give them a verdict of not-guilty. In the US we still are innocent until proven guilty. Yet most of what is involved in Deflate Gate is all based on opinion.
I close with this. If Deflate Gate is true I am ashamed. But there must be more evidence for me to be convinced that it is. If Deflate Gate is true I feel sad for those who did it. Like Lance Armstrong he held onto the truth for a long time and it destroyed him. And if Deflate Gate is true I hope they will be willing to ask for forgiveness. No one should be judged by the worst thing they have ever done. You are not defined by your mess.
If it is false unfortunately the Patriot name will still be tarnished in the public eye. Why? because it is easy to jump on the bandwagon and attack someone's character. Mob mentality has not always proven truth. Majority opinion is not always fact. But I guess it does not always have to be fact for there to be an accusation and for someone to fall from grace.
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