Thursday, June 25, 2015

Celebration of Discipline- Study

Some of the past studies, I admitted that they were not strong points. Study however is one of my strongest disciplines. Not only is it a part of my job where I study scripture of what the context meant by the author, but also how it applies to my and your life. This is something I love to do and is something I would do if I were not paid.

Romans 12:2 Says that we should be "transformed by the renewal of our mind." This is big because the mind can be an inhibitor to the process of our faith. Why do most atheists/agnostics have trouble believing? Because they are unable to grasp or explain God. God does not make sense to them.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."  For many the road block to faith is being able to understand. And honestly I dont think it is possible for anyone to be able to explain the existence of God in full. This is why it is faith. 

There are 4 steps of study that Foster discusses in this chapter. 

1. Repetition- The more you read something, the more you notice. The more you notice, the more you understand. Repetition helps you focus. Why do you think a band practices the same song over and over. So they know it inside and out. It gets to the point where they memorize the notes and words. They no longer need the sheet in front of them to tell them what comes next. It becomes a part of you.
      In my devotions I used to read a different passage every day. This was good for a season, and one day I am sure I will go back to this. Right now, I am reading the same passage everyday for a week. I am diving into it, so I can know it inside and out. I want it to become a part of who I am.

2. Concentration- Repetition leads into concentration. If you are able to concentrate of something you dont have all the outside distractions. You are really able to focus. Think about how easy it is to concentrate today. Most homes you walk in and the tv is even if someone is not watching it. The radio is on, the kids are playing, we are receiving texts or notifications. All of these things are competing for our focus. How often do we just get away from what we are doing and focus on God's Word, listen to what someone is saying, or focus solely on a task.

3. Comprehension- If we were able to concentrate, we would definitely be able to comprehend. If we listened to a friend we would know what is going on. Comprehending leads to knowledge, new insights, and discernment.

4. Reflection- Reflection brings in the significance of what we are studying. This shows the importance. As we give ourselves to it, this is where change happens. Our minds are being transformed.

Foster says, "the purpose of study is not doctrinal purity but inner transformation." 


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