Friday, October 22, 2021

My Background

Almost 3 years ago I gave my resignation to the Heartland Community Church where I was a Pastor in Iowa. We had decided to move back to Indiana to be closer to my wife's family. I gave the resignation 5 months in advance. I thought for sure this would give me enough time to find a position at a church in Indiana as well give the church the opportunity to find a replacement.  I had many conversations with other Pastors, search committee's, but nothing ever materialized. 

So we made the move to Indiana. We moved all our stuff into a storage unit and ourselves into my in-laws. (Just what I had always dreamed for.) This left us very flexible so if the right opportunity arose then we would be ready.

I started looking for opportunities outside of the church. I interviewed to be a prison chaplain, a chaplain for Indianapolis Metro Police Department, a hospice chaplain, but nothing seemed to be the right fit. One day I was driving back to my in-laws and was talking to my mother. She knew my love for Chick-Fil-A and encouraged me to apply there. So I thought about it. 

We were also checking out different churches in the Kokomo area and became acquainted with Marc the Pastor at a local restart. His family invited us to dinner and we had a great conversation about ministry. He started sharing how he used to work at Chick- Fil-A and loved the job. I started asking him questions about his time with CFA. It was during this conversation that I decided I would give CFA a shot.

In Iowa I would go to our local CFA and use it as a second office. I conducted pre-marital coaching there. I even took my church board and ministry team there to look at the culture and customer care. Needless to say I was already a fan of Chick-Fil-A. 

I would go on to work 2 years at Chich-Fil-A. Over the next few months I will share my experiences of my time there. I will share about leadership, service, care, culture and what it takes to create a healthy team. 

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