in a world where leaders are king, just ask jon maxwell. i have decided to kiss leadership goodbye. to tell you the truth i am not sure why leadership was ever that big of a deal in the first place. yes we need leaders. yes churches need leaders, and most definately every organization in the world needs a leader. but i am wondering about the focus that has taken place the last 10-15 years on leadership. "everyone is a leader" i have heard this statement many times. but i wonder if everyone is the leader then who is left to follow these leaders? we need more willing followers and workers who do not care about taking the lead.
you might ask, well you are a youth pastor. arent you a leader? and i would have to agree. our world however is to focused on what i can do as a leader rather than what can we do together.
when you get a bunch of leaders in one group. then their is a possibility of too many egos flying around. when i am in a room of people i can pick out the leaders very quickly. they are the ones trying to gather attention on themselves rather than allowing another to talk and share his or her idea.
i do not want more leaders. there are to many leaders or at least someone who wants control. i am tired of everybody trying to have a say in everything. many people are over opinionated just because they have a label of leadership. and of course there is a reason they are in this position in the first place. but my cry is not for another leader but yet for more servants.
Jesus came "not to be serve but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many." in many ways he displayed this and while he was a leader in respect he was much more of a servant than any other title He had.
yes i do understand the importance of leadership. and in a way i see a lack of leadership in homes and that is what i beleive to be a huge reason our society is where we are today. but if there were more servants, we would have more humility and less hostility. there would be less talking and more conversation. there would be cooperation and less individuality.
i dont want leadership to go bye in the concept of it is not good enough. but i want it to go bye for me. true leaders are humble, serving and want what they want but i want to be a leader who is serving others not for his own gain but rather because i have a heart for people and a love for seeing growth in an individual.
so goodbye leadership hello servanthood. i will try to be a servant. one with humility and integrity. one willing to compromise with others and for the good of others.
my hope is that you will will serve as well
i hope so too
Good stuff. I believe Paul talks about this in Philippians 2, when he talks about "Having the same mind" as Christ, who went on to empty Himself.
I am personally convinced that what we need are fewer people idolozing Bill Hybels and more trying to be like Mother Theresa.
P.S. I love you too, Nate. It's good to be blogging again, and thanks for posting.
-the Heretic
lead by example
I sat behind Bill Hybels a couple of months ago.
It awed me to think of how much the Church has grown because of this guy having the courage to pick a God-honoring direction, rally some troops, and charge ahead.
In fact, I was sitting behind him because of him. I was saved through WCCC... and well, it was kind of humbling.
There's a whole lot more I can say about this, but let me also add that what stood out to me most in that moment was a question:
"What in me do I get a sense is a direction God wants me to pursue? Am I follow His voice about it? Am I rallying troops? Do I have the courage to put it out there and on the line?"
Hybels... Maxwell... Mother Theresa... Billy Graham...
All in the same category in this respect?
I know there are a half million definitions on leadership, so here's mine: Picking a convicting direction, taking a step of courage, and doing what you can to be sure you're not the only one heading that way.
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