Tuesday, September 20, 2005

update: barn bash

you think preparing so long for this event would ready you for what to expect. i am not sure why i was so overwhelmed with everything that happened but i do know this past weekend was one of the most exciting things that have happened in my two years as a youth pastor. there were over 1500 people. not that numbers mean everything but word is getting out that the church cares for the community. when people start talking about that amazing things will happen.

kids in the way performed an awesome show. during the middle of the set dave (the lead singer) talked and you knew from the first moment that it was annointed. people there maybe heard the gospel for the first time. we are considering about bringing them back for next year already.

enemy opposition is a skate team that will blatantly show God's love through every possible medium clothing, video, performance and mouth. good stuff all around.

i am not sure if we will ever see the "fruit" but i know there was a lot planted on saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think this Barn Bash was one of the best I have ever attended and I have been to every single one of the them. This year Kids in the way were on fire!!! I have never had such a powerful and moving experience then when Dave poured out what was on his heart. It was truly incredible. I cannot wait until next year to hear Kids in the Way. They are always a wonderful blessing. Barn Bash is for me is the best.
