Wednesday, August 03, 2005

new york, new york

when one moves, takes a different path obviously there will be changes. the changes will not only affect ourselves but the ones that we have moved away from. they will change the lives of those they come into contact in there new surroundings. families will be transformed, churches will be impacted and things will happen differently then one was used. change will always continue to happen. change makes us who we are and who we will become. change can be seen as a hindrance or we can accept it as a blessing. change can affect us for the better or we can become bitter.

your life and mine will always continue to change. i hope and pray that we accept change with love and compassion. i pray that the people we can come into contact with will accept the change with love and desire. i pray that this change will not destroy our focus on who it is about. i pray that we will accept changes not as an inconvenience but as something that will challenge us and continue to mold us into who we should become.

life is a blessing that we need to grab hold of and not let the small things that could distract us into being unacception, uncaring and undesiring to show love and acceptance of what is to come.

we have just made the move from sc to ny. from the inner city to the farm land. from a smaller church to a medium sized church. from a place of security to a place of hope and desire. i am excited for the change. today is my first office day and it is combined with a funeral service. welcome to new york. jenny is putting stuff away at our apartment today and will eventually start the process looking for a job and get the process rolling of starting grad school next fall. my first service is on thursday (tomorrow). i have never had midweek services on thursday. i need to get used to that but it seems that everything here in pulaski, new york will be welcomed change.

i have always been one who loves change, hopefully i can stay that way. hopefully when i start to feel comfortable here in my ministry with the youth then something will poke me in order to move. i dont want to feel comfortable so i invite the change. it is when one becomes comfortable that a stagnant behavior can begin. so i invite those who are comfortable to do something different. i challenge you to begin something new. hopefully we can stay committed with being open top the things of new.


Kevin Wright said...

Blessings to you and Jenny as you embark in this new ministry in New York. I pray that God will use you to touch countless lives and reach inconceivable needs. Grace and peace to you Nate.

Anonymous said...

In every change, He faithful will remain.

pk said...

I had no idea you were making a big move Nate. I'm driving to SD on it looks like we'll have that (huge) factor in common. Best wishes to you.