Tuesday, October 18, 2005

built a house

Jesus took a while pouring His life into the lives of the disciples so they in turn would have a ministry that would build the church. now two thousand years later i am seeing people wanting to tear it down, to start a reformation, or just to seperate themselves from it. the church has been important for generations and has been used to be a hosptial for sinners and a haven for the saints.

Jesus approached peter after the resurrection and asked him "do you love me?" well of course peter says yes. Jesus asked him the second time, "do you love me?" and again peter says yes. Jesus asks again for an unprecedented third time, "do you love me?" this time peter is a little hurt replies again "of course Jesus you know everything you know i love you."

Jesus replies each time to feed His sheep. but the last time Jesus adds this "others will take you where you do not want to go." peters life was eventually taken as a martyr. he lived a life that was worthy even though at one time he denied the Christ.

where would the church be today if peter was never reinstated by Christ. would he have continued fishing? rather than building the church and feeding the sheep he could have spent the rest of his life catching salmon.

because of this Jesus built a house. a house now that is big, strong and there to protect his sheep. under the care of a shepherd they meet to protect them from the wolves and lions. so many people today are leaving the church. they feel they are better off. they feel that it is easier to be a christian away from the church.

and maybe they can but i know when a sheep stay with the flock and a wolf comes around the other sheep make noise as a warning to protect the other sheep. the sheperd will know whats going on and can do his best to help protect the sheep from the predator. i also know that sheep on there own dont stand a good chance on their own. sure they can find food on their own. the scriptures are just as easy to read as it is for the sheep to eat the grass in front of them but who will protect that lone sheep when they are off on their own trying to live like a sheep without the flock?

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