Friday, October 07, 2005

situation 1: cross being covered

i am going to be starting a new series having to do with situations within the local church. some of these have happened in churches that i have attended, pastored, or other people i know have happened to. with each of these situation there are different responses that happen by individuals within the church. now i will make up some of the resonses and some will be real. but on your part i am wondering how you would respond in each of these situations.

situation 1 begins with a sanctuary being remodeled. (we know there will be issues with every remodel.) with the remodel happening everyone agreed that the cross would stay on the front wall of the sanctuary. now the problem with this is that during the remodel a screen was put in for the new projector. this screen would now cover up the majority of the cross. how did people react to this? how would you respond to this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as long as it could go back up... I don't see much of a BIG deal. But I can see where it would lead to if it didn't go up...there would be some chaous with that. We want to keep God first, yes...(just saying because the Cross is a symbol of Christianity and Jesus dieing for our sins so we could have life more abundantly). I hope you understand what I'm