Tuesday, October 11, 2005

situation response 1b

i think one has to be careful in how he views any of these.

"why does the screen have to cover the cross?"
  • well uh... sir, it doesn't. however we decided to leave the cross in the middle and the best place to put a screen for the projector is in that same place. (this answer might not necessarily be the best. or maybe it is.
  • oh i never noticed that it did

"why do we need the screen in the first place?"

  • i feel so inhibited when i worship with a hymnal in my hand. this free's up my hands to worship as i feel led
  • everybody is doing it (peer pressure)
  • you can use it for so much more then power point

"the cross is only a symbol of what we believe, do we need it there anyways."

  • i prefer it to be there but a choice between the cross and the screen i would have to go with the... (either answer here could come back to haunt you, so be careful.)
  • the cross only stands for death, why isnt the tomb stone Chrsitianities symbol?

stand by tomorrow to the conclusion of what actually happened

1 comment:

Dan and Tiffany said...

I would personally tell them that we have bigger fish to fry, but I understand that they may not think so.

So what did really happen?