Monday, April 23, 2007


we talked yesterday about trust. trust is essentially a very easy thing to do when things are going okay. however when things are array how are we at trusting. specifically yesterday we talked about trusting God when things are horrible. when things are at its worst. we ask ourselves, "why did God allow this to happen?" "how can he be a loving God if something like this happens?"

romans 8:28 is almost always brought up in these circumstances. "and we know that in all things God work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." it brings hope and comfort for those who love God. but what about those who do not have a relationship with him. what if someone decided to become a christian because of this verse knowing that God will work out the good for him, but then tragically loses a child or a spouse, maybe becomes paralyzed or loses their home to a fire.

i ask myself these questions everytime i pray for naomi, a fifteen year old in our community that is a christian who has been in a bed for atleast a year due to leukemia, and now has to go through excruciating physical therapy to gain back use of her legs and arms.

i think of it everytime i think of jason and julie gasorowski. a youth pastor and wife from michigan who lost there baby in a car accident in which the majority of julie's body was burned.

unfortunately there is suffering in this world. suffering for those who are believers and unbelievers alike. sometimes people die before their time. sometimes the greatest person in the world who has devoted his life to helping out the needy in the inner city is beaten. but people still continue to ask God why.

God has obviously given us the gift of free will. this allows us to have personality. to wear the type of clothes that we like and listen to the type of music we enjoy. it is this same free will that allows us to choose to follow or forget Christ. the same free will that allows us to choose to take two handguns and kill 32 people on the virginia tech campus and then take your own life. the same free will that allows you to drive your vehicle to the store to purchase some groceries and that same free will that allows someone else to get in another vehicle while intoxicate. unfortunately horrendous accidents and choices are a part of life.

someone is sexually molested by a pastor or mistreated by a youth sponsor. board members can be there for recognition or to because they like the power. unfortuantely the church is not void of suffering, and this for people inside and out of the church can use this as a reflection of who God is and who He is not.

fortunately these things dont have to be seen as a punishment from God or that God allows these things to happen because he likes to see his people suffer. that is not the God i serve. God wants his people to cohabitate in peace and love his neighbor. he wants us to get along and serve each other. and even if 100% of the people on earth did this there would still be cancer, accidents, depression and injustice.

but in the end, eventually, all things do work together for the good of those who love him. we just need to learn to trust.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


i try and grasp my mind around the concept of suffering. that is correct i said concept. because in reality i have no idea or could ever grasp my mind around suffering. you see, my life, like the majority of people that read this blog have no idea what suffering really is about. i have been reading "this beatiful mess" by rick mckinley who has devoted a chapter of helping his readers understand a little bit more about what is going on around them.

we are aware of darfur. but how much have we actually acted on? maybe it is because that we have no clue what on earth is actually happening half a world away. we read about paul and all the beatings that he took and how his appearance probably wasnt what we expect. he was beaten and stoned. he probably did not look like you and i.

maybe we can not understand suffering because we think of suffering as such a horrible thing. paul was arrested a few times throughout scripture. but today "we" live in a world that is tolerant of us sharing our faith. but yet we do not think about how in many closed countries today people have suffered for the kingdom of God. maybe it is because we cannot comprehend the idea of it or just do not want to take chances. how many of us have actually been persecuted for what we believe.

today we have grown up in a place that looks for pleasure. we need the good feeling of life treating us well. that might be the comfort of living in a nice home or driving a nice vehicle. but we live in a culture of sensuality and excess. if it feels good, do it. if you like it do it more.

i sit in my office today and realize it is april 17 but as i look out my window i see snow falling from the sky. so i complain because i have to wear a jacket rather than being able to go golfing. i live a pretty comfortable life and have no idea what suffering is but i wish i did. i might have more empathy of others who are going through lifes disasters. this being the day that followed the biggest shooting ever in the history of the united states on a college campus. those students, professors, their families and others are suffering. and i wish i could do something.

Rick McKinley wrote that it is hard to believe that you need God on a daily basis. and i tend to agree with him. my life is comfortable. i have everything i need and more. why is it that when we are in places like this it almost makes us forget that we need and rely on who God is.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

multi-staff church

i have been thinking a lot about how lucky i am to be on a multiple staff. we have three full time pastors and a full time office manager to help run the show. we are all able to balance each other pretty well. bud (the senior pastor) is the ultimate people person. he would rather be hanging out with others then planning the sermon although he preaches really well too. but relationally he is top notch. he can relate with everyone at every different level. everyone loves him. greg(assistant) was officially hired to do everything that bud didnt have time to do. greg oversees and organizes all the ministries of the church lifestudies (sunday school), minichurch (sermon based small groups in multiple homes), music (he leads the worship team) he is basically the organized pastor. i am then left to manage youth ministries which is nice because i have a focus.

we all do visitation, premarital counseling, host dinners, host our own minichurch.

where one of us might be week the other is there to fill in the gaps. when one of us doesnt have time to do something we help each other to achieve the job possible. then wanda is their to keep us all in order so we are able to get it done efficiciently. it is great. but the four of us do not finish the multiple staff.

i have also been wondering how it would work in a church where there is only a solo pastor. he cant be a jack-of- all trades but in a sense he has to. but then i considered that we do not do everything ourselves. for that i am thankful. i would be a lot more tired. i would be burnt out. when i considered that every church if done right is a multi-staff church.

here are the staff positions that i came up with for our church. imagine if we had to do it all.

we have 9 board members
we have multiple life studies (nursery--adults) teachers
we have "women in ministry" who leads dinners for shut ins, prayer chain, puts together dinners and more
we have multiple mini church leaders
we have people who lead discipleship groups
we have others that are involved in the evangelism ministry
+ music team
+ sound techs
+ visual team
+ moms group
+ garden club
+ tellers
+ treasurer
+ trustees
+ kids club workers
+ youth sponsors
+ trash collection
+ custodians
+ counselors

i think i could go on and add a few more. but it is obvious that we are not a 4 person staff. we have at least a hundred people that are involved in some form of ministry. they are unpaid but as much needed as the paid staff that we do have. so i am thankful for all of those involved. and remember those who are "solo pastors" you always have someone else helping you.