Friday, November 06, 2009

The first few days...

This past week has been pretty crazy for the two of us. Last week we were surrounded by boxes hoping people would show up to help us pack the U-Haul. When people showed up we were pretty ecstatic. I am not sure if the people really wanted to help us or if they just wanted the pizza and coffee we had to offer them. But either way we accomplished our goal of packing.

November 2 we rolled out of Indianapolis heading for yet another adventure. We pulled into our townhouse at roughly 4 pm and were quickly welcomed by about ten young adults who enthusiastically unpacked our truck in approximately an hour. We enjoyed the conversation, becoming acquainted with our friends.

The week moved and was highlighted by meeting all the teens on Wednesday night. I am not sure how many were there. But the youth room was packed with teens and sponsors sitting on the floor in the few open spaces left. (The youth time is usually split up with Jr and Sr High.) They were all there for the passing of the torch. The celebration of what Pastor Melissa had done for the last seven years and anticipation of meeting their new leader (me) and wife (Jenny).

Wednesday night made it sink in that we are here. This is where we were meant to be and cannot imagine what God has in store for this community. We are looking forward to partnering in ministry here, in Marion for the many years to come.