Saturday, April 26, 2008

the rock (stars) cries out

i am not sure how many of you saw the idol gives back, i did not. however i did here about it. many people have commented how nice it was to here them sing a worship song. others have commented on the changing of the name Jesus to Shepherd. other then it sounding pretty nice with the quality sounding solos by my two favorites on the show. yes i have favorites. with the writers strike and not much to choose i have actually watched american idol for the first time in however many seasons.

the inquiry that i have to ask about was that song worship?

i cannot speak of the hearts of the people on american idol. some of them might be very solid believers of Christ and have a great relationship with Him. if that is the case then it could be considered worship.

and for the christians who might have been watching them sing it could have been a worship experience.

what i am wondering is did the unbelievers singing or watching this performance actually worship?

can there be worship with unbelief? what is worship in spirit and truth?