Friday, June 04, 2010

thoughts on revival

a few months ago i signed up for a class on route to finish my masters. the class was titled "american history of revivals." it was a one week intensive class in marion, indiana taught by dr. black. leading up to the class we read books, prepared an oral report.

a week or two before i left for the class, the senior pastor from fumc marion, iowa challenged the staff to start praying for revival. i thought it was interesting right before i leave for indiana that pastor mike would make this challenge. so the whole week i am in class i was trying to figure out how i could apply it to the church back home.

the week after i got back the staff, during a meeting which we meet the 1st and 3rd mondays of the month decided that the mondays we were not in staff meeting we would get together and pray for the church and the community. that week was also the national day of prayer and from that spun a prayer meeting every thursday.

today we decided to have three special prayer meetings during the summer months. we are still unsure of the outcome, but we are expecting God to move in a big way here in marion, ia and in the life of fumc marion. if you are reading this please pray a quick prayer for the life of our church and community.